Japanese cuisine offers a number of gastronomical delights with a boundless variety of regional and seasonal dishes as well as international cuisine. Seafood is a major part of the Japanese cuisine, which is commonly used in main course meals, sushi, sashimi, nigari, maki and many other.
Eating raw fish has been a thing all over the world, due to the introduction of the Japanese. However, after reading this latest news, you might have second thoughts on eating raw fish again.
Recently a Chinese man almost lost his life because of his fondness for eating raw fish. Reportedly, he began experiencing serious stomach ache and itchy skin and after going through series of tests, it was discovered that the inside of his whole body is full of tape tapeworms which he got from eating a huge amount of raw fish. According to the results, he may have eaten sashimi that might have been contaminated.
According to the specialists, consuming large quantities of uncooked meat or seafood may result to getting dangerous parasitic infections wherein a person can get tapeworm if they ingest the larvae of diphyllobothrium. The parasites are typically spotted in fresh water fish like salmon, at times even if it is marinated and smoke, it can still have the parasites.
According to doctors whom are writing for Canadian Family Physician, they say that the popularity of Japanese delicacies such as sashimi is a factor as why these cases happen. Tapeworm contamination in food is high in less privileged countries due to lack of hygiene. However, instances in more developed countries are also rising due to the increase of demand of the cuisine.
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