Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Everyone knows about Xian Gaza already, and of how amazing he can be with his money. He can go to places around the world as much as he wants, buy and experience luxurious stuffs and of course let's not forget how he can be affectionate upon showing his admiration to a Kapamilya Actress, Erich Gonzales as he uses a billboard as away of asking her out.

We are now all aware of how the story goes, on how the two of them made their encounter. But some netizens can't help to feel doubts for this guy. According to them, who would fall in love with such a short period of time? And wasn't it weird of how extremely rich he is. With that a new issue has surfaces where according to a sources, he was able to reach his status today through scamming.

According to a former employee of Xian who worked for him long ago, that the young businessman scammed them which is why she is exposing him for his doings. She also stated in her post in Twitter that Xian was using his expensive gifts and social media to get what he wants.

Even Xian himself admitted his life story in his Facebook post saying," At the age of 19, my total personal debt was 13.9 MILLION PESOS due to very wrong personal life and business decisions. I went into extreme depression and tried different unpleasant outlets and as a result, things got really way worse for me and unknowingly got involved in a malaysian pyramiding scam syndicate operating in Metro Manila. I became a victim "distributor" and technically, yes, a FORMER SCAMMER.

At the very young age of 20, I got 4 SERIOUS LIFE THREATS including my entire family, more than 40 COURT SUBPOENAS, 3 WARRANTS OF ARREST and charged with 14 CRIMINAL CASES VS THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES facing and defending each and every case on my own with no private legal counsel given my financial status that time. I literally SLEPT IN THE STREETS OF DAVAO CITY FOR MONTHS AND EVEN SOLD MY VERY SELF THRICE JUST TO PUT SOMETHING ON MY ACHING STOMACH.

I literally, literally, literally lost everything in my life including my dignity but not my FAITH and my LOVE FOR GOD! This is me now miraculously alive and kickin, moved on, turning 24, living the life! The XIAN S. GAZA you all know today. Do you feel that your life is a complete failure today? So down, so depressed and so hopeless? Think twice now. GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH. KEEP THE FAITH!

I wear all my scars with pride because without all of these, I am not the Xian S. Gaza today. If you will hate me for this then so be it, you have all the absolute freedom to unfollow and bash me. I'm not after fame nor followers that comes with it. I would rather be hated for who I really am rather than be loved and be adored for who I am not. SERVE GOD | WORK SMART | EARN HARD | LIVE LIFE | HAKUNA MATATA"

This revelation about him is truly shocking, so perhaps he turns out to be quite sketchy with his true intentions. But if he was truly genuine about himself and his money then we guess he is a role model to follow.



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