Brina Maxino, a young woman with Down Syndrome has graduated class as Valedictorian despite her condition.
Maxino shared that when she was only 9-days-old, the doctors were doubtful if she would survive at all due to her Down Syndrome. And at 10-years-old a psychologist said that she might not finish grade school because of her condition.
Down Syndrome is a common birth defect that is usually due to and extra chromosome 21. DS causes mental retardation, a characteristic facial appearance, multiple malformations and delayed physical growth.
Even though Maxino have DS this didn’t stop her from living an exciting and full life. She continue to move forward and later on graduated from a regular high school as the class valedictorian and at 20-years-old she started working as an assistant teacher with a four year degree in Bachelor of Arts, Major in History.
Brina worked hard to achieve her success and she hopes to inspire other persons with disabilities (PWD) that they too can live a full life.
Netizens who were inspired by Maxino Brina’s achievement shared how happy and supportive they are.
Here’s a few of their comments:
“So proud of u my dear Brina!..because of you, we never cease from hoping for a bright future for our little one.. thanks for being the living inspiration to all of us!!!…”
"Congratulations Brina! Continue to reach for your dreams. you are indeed an inspiration and have made your parents proud.”
Brina has truly inspired us!
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